Emotions and Health

Sometimes it is really hard to 'stay positive'. I totally get it. However, the mind-body connection is real. Let's look at some reasons to pay attention to our aches and pains and what they may be telling us. Most of us have heard about the mind-body connection. This concept is centuries-old and states that our attitudes, beliefs, and emotions can positively or negatively affect our biological state. The idea that our thoughts and emotions are related to our physiological health is the topic of on-going research. Have you ever heard someone use the phrase "blah blah blah is a pain in my neck?" Could it be that the person is stubborn or inflexible about the issue at hand? Possibly. Maybe you have noticed that when you are happy you feel good, and when you are sad you feel pain. What you think and say can affect your body on a cellular level. On-going research involving the relationship between illness and emotions continues to demonstrate that "positive emotions not only feel good, they are good for the body" (Stellar, John-Henderson, Anderson, Gordon, McNeil, & Keltner, 2015, p.133).  

The next time you need a little attitude adjustment, why not take five minutes to try a guided meditation? Meditation can help you find balance, reduce stress, and help you feel good. You can sample many different guided meditations on YouTube. I find that choosing a voice that is personally soothing can make for a successful meditation.


Stellar, J. E., John-Henderson, N., Anderson, C. L., Gordon, A. M., McNeil, G. D., & Keltner, D. (2015). Positive affect and markers of inflammation: Discrete positive emotions predict lower levels of inflammatory cytokines. Emotion, 15(2), 129-133. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/emo0000033

Read More:

The Effects of Negative Emotions on Our Health

There's Magic in Your Smile; How Smiling Affects Your Brain

Sample of Guided Meditation

Free Guided Meditation